Monday, March 29, 2010

A Coming Out Story

As you might imagine, there's not very many people I tell about my work. People who knew me before, my family, casual people I meet....I am not always sure how to breach the subject, so it's easier not to mention it. There are many reasons, but the one in the forefront in my mind is that I don't want them to feel sorry for me. It's fine if they are concerned for me, they care about me, but I don't want to be seen as someone to pity. Lucky for me, this doesn't have to be the case.

My old college roommate and I had some great times in our day. He balanced out our apartment of three girls and neither one of us minding hearing the other's sex against our shared wall. It made going to college in midwest totally worth it (okay, it really wasn't that bad....) Previously in conversation, we joked about becoming a world-traveling call boy/girl team (we like to dream big) and more recently, talk of recession and second jobs brought us to the subject again.

I wouldn't have said anything if I hadn't already been fairly sure of his reaction. But still, after telling him I wondered how it would change our relationship. I really couldn't have asked for a better friend, not only did he take it well, I believe his words were, "I'm so proud of you!"

What a breath of fresh air, to realize my old friend still gets me after all this time, after all the changes California had had on me. And it's great to know age and the midwest hasn't worn down his liberal views (Which seems to be the case for many of my high school friends.)

It's so much easier to stand with your head tall when you aren't trying to hide in the shadows.

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