Monday, August 2, 2010

Ideas of Sacred Harlotry

"I think it's better to have ideas. You can change an idea. Changing a belief is trickier."  -Rufus, from Dogma

In a previous post, "Secret Conversations", I got a comment that made me want to research more about this sacred harlotry I talk so much about.  It's this idea that I somehow aspire to, but what exactly is it?  I need to know about the history and present of this, idea. And I need to dive into the personal and figure out: in no uncertain terms, what do I aspire to be when I say I want to be a sacred whore.  (And does merely wanting to be one make me one?)

In my search, I found a page with an amazing conversation on the subject of sacred harlotry and just how much of our supposed evidence is really there, and on what basis can one look to history for a foundation. (do we *need* to basis modern harlotry on ancient so-called tradition? Can it be done?)  Not only does the exchange contain many insights, but a lot of links for me to continue my research.  The conversation can be found here, on the Barbelith Underground site.

 I enjoy the rich mythology of the ancient sacred harlot, but I'd be foolish to suggest we could piece together a complete set of guidelines based on ancient Mesopotamian and Greek writings. Nor do Eastern traditions suit me, for it feels too much like cultural appropriation. I'm more interesting in finding my own personal truths to form a modern tradition.

Can't wait to dive into more of these articles!

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