Sunday, July 11, 2010

'ho reviews, 'ho movies: Pretty Woman

In an early discussion, I'd mentioned that I hadn't seen Pretty Woman--probably the most known, most referenced whore movie today. I've seen my share, but this one had been off my radar for a while.  I finally saw it and I am glad I hadn't seen it before now.  I can't say for sure, but I think seeing it after providing gave me an insider's perspective.

Also, I could see for myself all the allusions to My Fair Lady. The horse racing scene was a dead give away.

Having seen if after my own experiences, I could see the fantasy of it, and also the bits that were fairly accurate--such as the sense of isolation Vivian feels when trying to go shopping for new clothes. I've always been a jeans & t-shirt kind of girl, and so one of the first things I had to do is begin investing in a more feminine wardrobe--and wearing makeup!  At first it was strange, as I'm fairly non-materialist and saw frilly clothes & make up as unnecessary things that just perpetuate our consumerist society. But it has also been liberating, as I explore the more feminine side of myself. It feels like playing dress-up, or such luxury to dress in fine things and treat myself as not just a person, but as personal expression of beauty.

But I digress. It was a cute romantic comedy, exploring fantasies on both sides.  Spending a week with a handsome business man for $3000- Yes, I'd take that job in an instant! (Okay, after I check references.)

And what about their happily ever after? Well, Edward seems to enjoy having multiple women in his life, and Vivian knows a bit about this nature in men, so perhaps they could have made it work if they didn't try to force their relationship into monogamous terms. Otherwise it's more likely to end like Runaway Bride (minus the happy ending!)

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