Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A new blog in the works....

This will be the last blog post on this site.  I am making a new one, to go with my new provider name, Elizabeth Morgan. I wanted a new name and a new blog to help me keep my pathwork focused.

My new straight job has given me this opportunity and I'm grateful for it. True, I have less free time and as a consequence, I see fewer people. But I also don't have to stress out (as much) about money and that is good.  Before this job, I was starting to experience burn-out. Lots of guys trying to bargain for a lower price, less time. I was more than ready for the break.

I am still the same fun-loving, creative, hot nerdy chick who won't judge your desires. I still love entertaining and getting to know new friends by fucking them. ;) 

The new site is here: http://templeofthesacretharlot.blogspot.com/

Friday, January 13, 2012

It's 2012 already?

January is going by in a flash. The holiday rush never really ended...and then today I find out I have Martin Luther King day off, and an opportunity to get some playtime in. It was all I could think about in the shower tonight. A posh hotel room for a night or two, a mini working vacation. Perhaps even a little spa treatment...luxury!

Already so soon, I am trying to do so much. There is work, my other work, my studies and art. I am eating healthier--more organic, less processed foods, and now thinking about walking to work for exercise. It's exciting to have this momentum, though I know it will eventually slow. All the more reason to seize this "new year" energy while it lasts!

I am updating this site, with more to come. Check it out.