Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sacred Whore vs Sacred Intimate

I have been reading up on the subject lately.  I'm observing a tendency of political correctness, or perhaps just an emphasis on the healing, spiritual and academic side of it. In more "serious work" about the topic of sacred harlotry (aka-not my blog), they call it sacred intimacy, erotic shamanism (my favorite of the group), erotic bodywork...they skirt around that sex may go on and money is exchanged. The healing, the touch is the important part.

But there's something I relish in the term sacred whore! Precisely because our culture (and many people) would say those two things don't go together.  It's the reason why I prefer the term witch instead of pagan.  They embrace the bad girl and embrace the healing of shadow work.

From a legal viewpoint, also, I see why they choose these phrases. I see why they choose to bring light into a shadowy world.  I have always sought balance, and want to acknowledge the shadows while bringing in the light.

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